[Spambayes] Proposing to remove 4 combining schemes

T. Alexander Popiel popiel@wolfskeep.com
Sat Oct 19 18:37:45 2002

In message:  <LNBBLJKPBEHFEDALKOLCEEKPBMAB.tim.one@comcast.net>
             Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:
>>> But Sean's "sort on score" idea is also very useful. I think it'd speed
>>> up the manual scanning/deletion process.
>> Having looked at the results from the show_unsure config option,
>> I tend to disagree... position in the list doesn't seem to have
>> any correlation with spam vs. ham.
>Are you sure?  I've got a GUI that sorts email by "Hammie score" now, and
>there's a clear correlation by eyeball *adjacent to the endpoints* of the
>unsure range.

Well, no, I'm not sure.  There was a bit more ham towards the bottom
of the range, and a bit more spam towards the top... but I had high
scoring ham and low scoring spam right near the endpoints, too.  And
to make it all worse, each section of the show_unsure output would
only have 4-5 messages, so seeing the trends is hard. ;-)

- Alex