[Spambayes] Get rid of the email directory?

T. Alexander Popiel popiel@wolfskeep.com
Thu Oct 24 22:33:17 2002

In message:  <15800.23881.157471.402911@gargle.gargle.HOWL>
             barry@python.org (Barry A. Warsaw) writes:
>We checked the email package into spambayes because we wanted to use
>the new api and avoid the bugs which were present in earlier versions
>of the libary.  Python 2.2.2 and Python 2.3a0 have the same, latest
>version of the email package now, so I think this directory isn't
>necessary, and may be harmful.  I'd like to remove it, but it means if
>you're running Python 2.2.1, you'll need to upgrade.

I'd rather you didn't remove the directory, since python 2.2.2 is not
easily available for debian woody.  (It appears that 2.2.2 has only
been packaged in the unstable branch... which many of us assiduously

- Alex