[Spambayes] Re: python.org corpus updated

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Sun Oct 27 00:26:39 2002

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Ward <gward@python.net> writes:

    Greg> And from October:

    Greg>   dsn                   1006 messages      5347 kB
    Greg>   ham                   2851 messages      7803 kB
    Greg>   spam                  2841 messages     22206 kB
    Greg>   virus                  634 messages     73754 kB

    Greg> Note that the spam:ham ratio is now 1:1.  *sigh*


Do you get email from python-list?  Its source is primarily the c.l.py
newsfeed, which has been down for about five days now.  According to the
last message I saw from Barry, it seems there's a problem between Bay
Mountain and UUNet.  That would seriously impact your spam:ham ratio.  Take
a look at the statistics at the bottom of
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/python-list/>.  It looks to me like October's
going to be a light month as a result.  If the feed isn't reestablished
soon, newsgroup messages are likely to begin expiring before they get to the
list archive.
