[Spambayes] extending bayesian filtering

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Wed Oct 29 07:44:21 EST 2003


I don't know whether this idea is new, and I do not need it myself.
But my thought is that bayesian filtering may be used for other means
than only spam-ham-checking. As I Understand It, spambayes has a
database with spam and one with ham, compares each message new with the
messages in each database and calculates spam/ham probabilities this way.

Would it be possible to extend this to 3, 4, or 10 different message
databases? Suppose someone gets a lot of e-mail (for example, because
he is a famous politician or something like that). He may want to filter
it into several mailboxes, for example, based on what the e-mail is
about (foreign policy, education, taxes, etc). This is too complex
for simple regexp-rule-filtering. Could bayesian filtering be a solution?
If he would show 5 mails about each subject, could Bayesian filtering
do a good job in filtering all following emails according to those

It's just a thought...


217. If he be the slave of some one, his owner shall give the physician
two shekels.
          -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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