[Tkinter-discuss] OptionMenu, change the list of choices

Vasilis Vlachoudis Vasilis.Vlachoudis at cern.ch
Tue Oct 24 17:30:28 CEST 2006

Thank you very much. It seems it works. How ever, if I don't use a 
command=lambda... in the add_command I cannot get the OptionMenu value 
changed (see below). Is it really necessary all the lambda... function I 
am doing or there is a smarter way of doing the job?


from Tkinter import *
values = ["one","two","three"]
root = Tk()
var = StringVar()
# set initial options
o = OptionMenu(root,var,*values)
# change options
m = o.children['menu']
newvalues = "a b c d e f".split()
for val in newvalues:
    m.add_command(label=val,command=lambda v=var,l=val:v.set(l))

mkieverpy at tlink.de wrote:
> Vasilis Vlachoudis wrote:
>> values=["One","Two","Three"]   # Initial list
>> o = OptionMenu(frame, *values)
>> #...
>> #then later in the code read new values from a file
>> newvalues = f.readline().split()
>> o.config(???=newvalues)
> With
>   m = o.children ['menu']
> you can access the menu which implements the OptionMenu.
> OptionMenu uses 'command' entries.
> So you can add new entries with
>   m.add_command(label='a_new_entry',command=if_you_need_to_set_a_var_or_something)
> I never used this personally.
> Hope it works for you.
> Matthias Kievernagel
> mkiever at web dot de
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