I got the error Martin got. I don't understand this, in all the years we've used Roundup on my project this has never happened.<br><br>The Re: [Tracker-discuss] is supposed to be stripped. The hypen in the tracker name maybe?
<br><br>---------- Forwarded message ----------<br><span class="gmail_quote">From: <b class="gmail_sendername">Meta Tracker</b> <<a href="mailto:roundup-admin@psf.upfronthosting.co.za">roundup-admin@psf.upfronthosting.co.za
</a>><br>Date: Jan 15, 2007 1:54 PM<br>Subject: Failed issue tracker submission<br>To: <a href="mailto:pfdubois@gmail.com">pfdubois@gmail.com</a><br><br></span><br><br>The class name you identified in the subject line ("Tracker-discuss") does not exist in the
<br>database.<br><br>Valid class names are: file, issue, keyword, msg, priority, query, status, user<br>Subject was: "Re: [Tracker-discuss] [issue73] Issue numbering"<br><br><br><br>Mail Gateway Help<br>=================
<br>Incoming messages are examined for multiple parts:<br> . In a multipart/mixed message or part, each subpart is extracted and<br> examined. The text/plain subparts are assembled to form the textual<br> body of the message, to be stored in the file associated with a "msg"
<br> class node. Any parts of other types are each stored in separate files<br> and given "file" class nodes that are linked to the "msg" node.<br> . In a multipart/alternative message or part, we look for a text/plain
<br> subpart and ignore the other parts.<br><br>Summary<br>-------<br>The "summary" property on message nodes is taken from the first non-quoting<br>section in the message body. The message body is divided into sections by
<br>blank lines. Sections where the second and all subsequent lines begin with<br>a ">" or "|" character are considered "quoting sections". The first line of<br>the first non-quoting section becomes the summary of the message.
<br><br>Addresses<br>---------<br>All of the addresses in the To: and Cc: headers of the incoming message are<br>looked up among the user nodes, and the corresponding users are placed in<br>the "recipients" property on the new "msg" node. The address in the From:
<br>header similarly determines the "author" property of the new "msg"<br>node. The default handling for addresses that don't have corresponding<br>users is to create new users with no passwords and a username equal to the
<br>address. (The web interface does not permit logins for users with no<br>passwords.) If we prefer to reject mail from outside sources, we can simply<br>register an auditor on the "user" class that prevents the creation of user
<br>nodes with no passwords.<br><br>Actions<br>-------<br>The subject line of the incoming message is examined to determine whether<br>the message is an attempt to create a new item or to discuss an existing<br>item. A designator enclosed in square brackets is sought as the first thing
<br>on the subject line (after skipping any "Fwd:" or "Re:" prefixes).<br><br>If an item designator (class name and id number) is found there, the newly<br>created "msg" node is added to the "messages" property for that item, and
<br>any new "file" nodes are added to the "files" property for the item.<br><br>If just an item class name is found there, we attempt to create a new item<br>of that class with its "messages" property initialized to contain the new
<br>"msg" node and its "files" property initialized to contain any new "file"<br>nodes.<br><br>Triggers<br>--------<br>Both cases may trigger detectors (in the first case we are calling the<br>
set() method to add the message to the item's spool; in the second case we<br>are calling the create() method to create a new node). If an auditor raises<br>an exception, the original message is bounced back to the sender with the
<br>explanatory message given in the exception.<br><br>$Id: mailgw.py,v 1.180 2006/12/19 01:13:31 richard Exp $<br><br><br>