[Tutor] Picking up Item()s

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 10:47:24 -0000

> class Room:...
> class Item:...
> areas = ['porch', 'foyer', 'bathroom', 'mid_stairs', 'living',
> 'hallway']
> rooms = []  # this is a list, can I suggest a dictionary:

> for n in areas:
>     rooms.append(Room(n))
      rooms[n] = Room(n)

> rooms[0].createExits({'e':1})
> rooms[5].createExits({'e':4, 'n':2, 's':3, 'w':1})

And can i suggest you put all the data build in one place so the areas table
becomes a list of tuples, something like:
> areas = [('porch',{'e':4}), ...
>          ('hallway', {'e':4, 'n':2, 's':3, 'w':1})]

Then the above lines become:

      rooms[n[0]] = Room(n[0])

> rooms[0].itemsInRooms(things[0])
> rooms[1].itemsInRooms(things[1])

The dictionary nbotation isa more readable here too:


> playLoc = 0

playloc = 'porch'  #or areas[0] if you prefer

> words = ['n','s','e','w','q','get']
> command = []
> while 1:
>     command = string.split(raw_input("--> "))
>     if command[0] not in words:
>         print "Come again?"
>     else:
>         if command[0] == 'q':
>             sys.exit(1)
>         elif command[0] in ['n','s','e','w']:
>             if rooms[playLoc].exits.has_key(command[0]):
>                 playLoc = rooms[playLoc].exits.get(command[0])
To cater for dictionaries either change the exits dictionary
(my favourite) or do
                  playLoc = areas[rooms[playLoc].exits.get(command[0])]

None of which answers your actual question of course but might 
make the code a little more readable and debuggable...

>                 print "You find yourself in the " + 
> rooms[playLoc].name
>                 print "You can move ", rooms[playLoc].exits.keys()
>                 if len(rooms[playLoc].items) != 0:
>                     print "This room contains ", rooms[playLoc].items

Here's the cuprit. items is a list of Item instances.
You are printing an object, you need a method of Items to print 
in a friendly way - maybe providing a __str__() method would suffice?
Or something that specifically returns a string - show() maybe?.

Alan g.