[Tutor] Any good way to read Tutor mails?

Anna Ravenscroft revanna@mn.rr.com
Sat Apr 19 20:18:01 2003

On Saturday 19 April 2003 16:53, pan@uchicago.edu wrote:
> Hi all,
> For a long time I've been wondering how you guys read
> and reply the py Tutor emails. Is there any package,
> any module that can let you read one specific message
> and just hit one [reply] button to reply that message
> to either the sender or the list?
> The commonly-used email clients seem to fail in this
> regard, and I have been bothered by having to cut and
> paste the message body when replying.

Are you getting a digest version of the list?

If so, it's  not your mailreader, it's just that you would prefer individual 
mails rather than a daily digest. To fix this, you need to reset your 
settings on the following question:

Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? 
No Yes 

Go to the http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor
to update it.
