Re: [Tutor] Disable output buffer with some tkinter thrown in.

Magnus Lycka magnus at
Thu Nov 27 13:49:41 EST 2003

> Firstly when I first started off I came across a problem where everything I sent 
> back (via a print statement) came up only after the script had finished, a quick 
> post on the kmuddy led me to using sys.stdout.flush() after each print 
> statement, but it was also mentioned that in other languages it's possible to 
> disable the output buffer entirely.
> Mentioned in perl: ,$|=1;
> and in C/C++ as: setvbuf (stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);
> How do I do this in python?

You can skip buffering for a whole python process using
"python -u" (or #!/usr/bin/env python -u etc) or by setting
the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED.

You could also replace sys.stdout with some other stream
like wrapper which does a flush after every call.

Something like this (not really tested) might work...but 
there are probably problems that could pop up. For instance, 
I don't think it will work in IDLE, since sys.stdout is 
already replaced with some funny object there which doesn't 
like to be flushed. (This could be considered a bug in IDLE 

>>> class Unbuffered:
..     def __init__(self, stream):
.. = stream
..     def write(self, data):
..     def __getattr__(self, attr):
..         return getattr(, attr)
>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout=Unbuffered(sys.stdout)
>>> print 'Hello'

Here, we replace sys.stdout with an object that
will make a flush after every write, but will
delegate everything else to the buffer it was
initiated with.

Of course, this is (if it works :) a more generic
solution that can be used for a lot more than flushing
buffers. For instance, it could turn your output into
pig latin or convert text to some different code page.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65  mailto:magnus at

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