[Tutor] Looking for a Python IDE

Brian Wisti brian at coolnamehere.com
Thu Jan 1 08:22:00 EST 2004


Alan Gauld wrote:

>>hi everybody, can someone please suggest me a good python IDE for
>>Os X ?
>There's nothing as good as Pythonwin that I've seen.
>You can run IDLE under X windows with some fussing around
>with Tcl/Tk and fink.
>But to be honest I just use the standard Mac IDE even though
>its a bit primitive. Mostly I use vim (or BBEdit) and just run
>the code from a Terminal session.
>Alan G
Thought I'd mention.  There are a few sorts of options, if you are 
looking at the concept of fiddling with things:

    - http://pythonmac.org/wiki/XcodeIntegration
      Folks are working on integrating OS X 10.3's nifty XCode tool with 

    - http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython/download.html
       This binary download of Python includes a Carbonized version of 
Tkinter and IDLE.  No tweaking needed, but it's noticeably slow.

I'm sure there are more options, but those popped right into my head.  
If you're feeling less bold, I'd go for the Carbonized MacPython.

Kind Regards,
Brian Wisti

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