[Tutor] problem calling a function

Roel Schroeven rschroev_nospam_ml at fastmail.fm
Sun Nov 13 14:11:17 CET 2005

Roel Schroeven wrote:
> You'll have to modify your code so that it creates a tuple instead of a
> string.

It seems that doing it without using a string complicates matters, or at
least increases the line count. I tried it with a list, since you can't
build a tuple on the go since tuples are immutable, but that didn't work
out very well so I created a tree with nodes to store the branches:

        class Tree(object):
            class Node(object):
                def __init__(self, linage, left=None, right=None):
                    self.linage = linage
                    self.left = left
                    self.right = right
                def AsTuple(self):
                    if self.left and self.right:
                        return self.left.AsTuple(), self.right.AsTuple()
                        return self.linage
            def __init__(self, rootlinage):
                self.rootnode = Tree.Node(rootlinage)
                self.linagetonode = {rootlinage: self.rootnode}
            def AddBranch(self, linage, newlinage):
                node = self.linagetonode[linage]
                left = Tree.Node(linage)
                right = Tree.Node(newlinage)
                node.left = left
                node.right = right
                self.linagetonode[linage] = left
                self.linagetonode[newlinage] = right
            def AsTuple(self):
                return self.rootnode.AsTuple()

In this data structure the nodes are stored as a tree, but are also
accessible via the linage values. Branching is done by looking up the
node via the linage and creating appropriate left and right children.
Creating the tuple for printing the dendrogram can be done via simple

I initialize the tree (both at the beginning and when restarting) by doing:

	tree = Tree('0')

Branching becomes:

            next_linage += 1
            print 'At ', time,' linage ', linages[i], 'evolved', next_linage
            tree.AddBranch(str(linages[i]), str(next_linage))
            num_linages += 1
            if num_linages == 10: break

Printing the tree:


The whole program:

# Thesis_ex_gen6.py

import random

# constants that control the simulation

def printDendrogram(T, sep=3):

     """Print dendrogram of a binary tree.  Each tree node is
represented by a length-2 tuple.
        routine written by David Eppstein from ActiveState Programers
Network Last Updated: 2002/07/13"""
     def isPair(T):
         return type(T) == tuple and len(T) == 2

     def maxHeight(T):
         if isPair(T):
             h = max(maxHeight(T[0]), maxHeight(T[1]))
             h = len(str(T))
         return h + sep

     activeLevels = {}

     def traverse(T, h, isFirst):
         if isPair(T):
             traverse(T[0], h-sep, 1)
             s = [' ']*(h-sep)
             s = list(str(T))
             s.append(' ')

         while len(s) < h:

         if (isFirst >= 0):
             if isFirst:
                 activeLevels[h] = 1
                 del activeLevels[h]

         A = list(activeLevels)
         for L in A:
             if len(s) < L:
                 while len(s) < L:
                     s.append(' ')

         print ''.join(s)

         if isPair(T):
             traverse(T[1], h-sep, 0)

     traverse(T, maxHeight(T), -1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for x in range(1):

        print '\n','run ',  x+1, '\n'

        class Tree(object):
            class Node(object):
                def __init__(self, linage, left=None, right=None):
                    self.linage = linage
                    self.left = left
                    self.right = right
                def AsTuple(self):
                    if self.left and self.right:
                        return self.left.AsTuple(), self.right.AsTuple()
                        return self.linage
            def __init__(self, rootlinage):
                self.rootnode = Tree.Node(rootlinage)
                self.linagetonode = {rootlinage: self.rootnode}
            def AddBranch(self, linage, newlinage):
                node = self.linagetonode[linage]
                left = Tree.Node(linage)
                right = Tree.Node(newlinage)
                node.left = left
                node.right = right
                self.linagetonode[linage] = left
                self.linagetonode[newlinage] = right
            def AsTuple(self):
                return self.rootnode.AsTuple()

        next_linage = 0    # next counter initalized
        linages = [0]    # linages initalized
        num_linages = 1    # total linage counter initalized
        time = 0     # time initalized
        tree = Tree('0')

        while (len(linages) != 0) and (num_linages < MAX_LINAGES):
            time += 1

            "With BRANCHING_PROBABILITY creates a new linage and prints
            i = 0
            while i < len(linages):
                if random.random() < BRANCHING_PROBABILITY:
                    next_linage += 1
                    print 'At ', time,' linage ', linages[i], 'evolved',
                    tree.AddBranch(str(linages[i]), str(next_linage))
                    num_linages += 1
                    if num_linages == 10: break
                i += 1

            "With EXTINCTION_PROBABILITY kill a linage and print
            j = 0
            while j < len(linages):
                if random.random() < EXTINCTION_PROBABILITY:
                    print 'At ', time,' linage ', linages[j], 'died '
                    del linages[j]
                    if len(linages) == 0:
                        "restarts if fewer that 10 linages evolved"
                        print '\n restart \n'
                        next_linage = 0    # next counter initalized
                        linages = [0]    # linages initalized
                        num_linages = 1    # total linage counter initalized
                        time = 0     # time initalized
                        tree = Tree('0')
                j += 1

print tree.AsTuple()

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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