[Tutor] Strange Question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sun Apr 30 16:28:45 CEST 2006

>  I have not, as yet learned any programming language much to my dismay.

In that case python is a good starting point since 
it is easier to learn than most other languages.

    1.. Person goes to a web page. 
    2.. The page allows them to retrieve a file from their local hard drive. 
    3.. They make one or two selections with check boxes or drop lists that define things about image resolution and preferences. 
    4.. They enter their E-Mail address to allow the resultant file to be sent back to them. 
    5.. They submit the graphics file (TIFF image) along with the selections and the file is uploaded. 
Up to thid point there is no Python involved its all pure HTML.
    1.. The code on the server drops the file in a directory created from the submitted file name. 
    2.. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server resident) that performs processing on the graphics file.  

    3.. The original file, a processed "proof" file and a raw bitmap file are stored back in the created directory.

>          The resultant proof file is sent back to them in an E-Mail message for their approval. 

This is all possible in Python through the use of some 
modules, cgi and PIL primarily.

    1.. The person would then go back to another page and "OK" the file and then the processed image would be sent to yet another E-Mail address. 
  Does anyone see a problem with Python doing this?  
Python should be absolutely fine for this job.

  Also, from my knowledge position in programming and in 
  Python (zero), should I attempt this?
It actually sounds like a very reasonable first project.
You can build it in bits and start simple and add complexity as you go.
The only word of caution is: take time tom walk before you run.
In learning to program (in any language) you need to take time 
to learn the basics - like learning scales on a musical instrument.
If you allow a few days (if working full-time - say 2 or 3 hours a day)
or a few weeks (if its a "fit it in" job) before you start on the 
application itself. If you jump in too deep too soon you will 
only get frustrated and write an awful lot of clunky code.

OTOH don't wait to become an expert - you'll 
wait forever! :-)

And this list is good for helping these kinds of 
projects evolve.

If the formatting of my mail is screwed up for a 
few days its coz I've just bought a new PC and I'm 
still 'breaking it in' (Intel Dual Core 3GHz, 2G RAM, 
200GB HD, XP Pro for those who care or are curious...)


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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