[Tutor] suggestions for read unread items datastructure

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sun Aug 13 22:18:36 CEST 2006

On Sun, 13 Aug 2006, anil maran wrote:

> when someone clicks it i need to maintain read status for it

Hi Anil,

You've giving some "use case" information, which is useful.  Can you also 
give us some definitions?  Are you saying that an rss entry is some data 
with an associated 'read' status?  What else does an rss entry have? 
What do people do with it?

I'm mimicking total ignorance here, but this is not far from the truth. 
*grin* I really don't know what an RSS reader is supposed to handle, and 
since it sounds like you're writing one from scratch, you should also 
explicitely state what things you want out of it.

In your earlier question, you asked what an appropriate data structure 
will be for storing RSS entries.  It sounds that you're dealing with two 
distinct data types:

     * A singular 'RssEntry' that contains information on a single RSS

     * An 'RssLibrary' collection that has a bunch of 'RssEntries'.

Is this accurate, or are you thinking of something else?  What are the 
operations you want to do with your data types?

> this needs to be maintianed for a huge number of usrs

Let's try to forget efficiency for the moment; I'm not even sure people on 
the list are even clear about what you are trying to represent yet. 
Let's get the concepts solid first before talking about scaling to large 

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