[Tutor] IP-range

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Aug 31 16:42:53 CEST 2006

Øyvind wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a database where I have some IP-ranges. Then I have some logs over
> IPs from customers and need to connect the two.
> So, for example:
> Range 1:
> How do I check if IP is a part of that? I have thought
> about 4 if statements:
> split(.)
> if ip[0] in iprange_from[0] and iprange_to[0]:
>   if ip[1] in iprange_from[1] and iprange_to[1]:
>     if ip[2] in iprange_from[2] and iprange_to[2]:
>       if ip[3] in iprange_from[3] and iprange_to[3]:
>         then ok
> But that seems silly. Is there some better way?

If the IPs are stored as lists or tuples of integers you can compare 
them directly and Python will do the right thing. If they are strings, a 
simple helper function can convert them to lists:
In [1]: def ipStrToList(ip):
   ...:     return map(int, ip.split('.'))

In [2]: ipStrToList('')
Out[2]: [123, 132, 122, 4]

In [3]: lower = _

In [4]: upper = ipStrToList('')

In [5]: lower <= ipStrToList('') <= upper
Out[5]: True

In [6]: lower <= ipStrToList('') <= upper
Out[6]: False


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