[Tutor] Python 2.4 or Python 2.5?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sat Apr 21 13:02:44 CEST 2007

python at uni-code.com wrote:
> Im confused When i had python 2.4 all my scripts work correctly should i
> reinstall python 2.4?  Or should I keep 2.5?  Where can I find information
> on coding for python 2.5?

Each .x release of Python comes with a "What's New" document that 
details the changes since the previous release. For Python 2.5 you can 
read it here:

There are usually very few changes that are incompatible with old code. 
The biggest roadblock to updating is availability of third-party 
extensions. The API for C extensions is *not* compatible between dot 
releases so extension modules usually have to be re-released for a new 
Python release.

Python 2.5 has been out for a while now so most extension modules have 
been updated. But if there is something you depend on you should check 
its availability before upgrading.

You can also have two versions of Python on the same machine without any 

You will have to re-install any add-on modules and packages you use.


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