[Tutor] Exceptions while dealing with MySQL

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Tue Apr 24 20:01:19 CEST 2007

Thanos Panousis wrote:
> I have an object, person, which is assosiated with some statistical
> data. Say for each person object, I need an object variable called
> "hairColor". This haircolor variable has to be filled through an SQL
> query, so the object must have some way to access a database cursor.
> The cool thing would be that all person objects use the same
> connection/cursor to get their haircolors filled in, so there would be
> only one connection to the SQL server.
> Could this  done with a class variable? From what I understand, it
> fits nice because its available to all objects of the class, and it is
> unique. So would this be a nice way to have objects of the same class
> share a "pipe" to the sql database?

Perhaps you should look into object-relational mappers such as SQLObject 
or SQLAlchemy.


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