<DIV> Dear tutors,</DIV>
<DIV> I have written a programme for windows (no GUI but some commands which create and write things in text files)</DIV>
<DIV> I want to modify this programme so that it will work in Linux...</DIV>
<DIV> I think there is no need to change the usual functions and classes all I need to do is a modification in creating files outside the programme.</DIV>
<DIV> If anyone who knows how to do this in Linux can you tell me the equivalent of the function in Linux?:</DIV>
<DIV> "go=open('c:/test.txt','w')"</DIV>
<DIV> go.write('Hello world\n')</DIV>
<DIV>Another thing is in windows the programme can understand it self-directory with os.getcwd() command...Can we also do it in Linux?I mean for example when I do:</DIV>
<DIV>import os</DIV>
<DIV>the interpreter gives "c:\python23"</DIV>
<DIV>How to do same in Linux?</DIV>
<DIV>And I am not someone who is acquianted with Linux..Can someone create directories in Linux?(like the mkdir() function in windows)</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks all for your help</DIV>
<DIV>Ali Polatel</DIV><p>
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