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Hi first off, here's my code:<br>
<font face="Courier"># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-<br>
from Tkinter import *<br>
import random<br>
import time<br>
import about<br>
import quotes<br>
def closeprog():<br>
raise SystemExit<br>
class main:<br>
root = Tk()<br>
frame = Frame()<br>
root.title("Quoter %s" % (about.ver))<br>
root.minsize(300, 50)<br>
showquote = Label(root, text=random.choice(quotes.quote))<br>
exit = Button(root, text="Exit", command=closeprog)<br>
aboutprg = Button(root, text="About", command=about.main)<br>
totalq = Label(root, text=quotes.qts)<br>
</font>(I'd appreciate some suggestions, or notifications on how bad
something is)<br>
I have a small problem: I don't know how to make a button that would
redisplay another quote in the same window, ie I need a button that
says: Show Another Quote. (Actually I don't know how to make it show
another quote even in a new window!!). I got the interface from Catfood
Fortune Cookie.<br>
Here's a tid-bit of the quotes module:<br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier, monospace"> # Brian Kernighan<br>
bk1 = """Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.<br>
-- Brian Kernighan"""<br>
yadayada = """Foo/bar"""<br>
quote = [bk1, yadayada]<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Unix Love, Linux Pride