Why does this:<br><br> >>> import webbrowser<br> >>> webbrowser.open('<a href="http://www.google.com">http://www.google.com</a>")<br><br>give me this:<br><br> run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute /opt/firefox/mozilla-firefox-bin.
<br><br>Is this bacause 'webbrowser' does not know about the identification of 1.5?<br><br>(I do not want to do it like this:<br><br> >>> import os<br> >>> os.system ('firefox <a href="http://www.google.com'">
http://www.google.com'</a>)<br><br>bacause not all of us use firefox :) )<br><br>Oh and can I, when I open a new browserwindow, force it to open in the same workspace as I am with my pythonprogram and not inside another workspace where I have a browser window open?
<br><br>Any enlightment would be appreciated :-)<br>