Hello everyone,<br><br>Disclaimer: Beginner.<br><br>I have an idea of coding a web application and decided to do it entirely with python (reddit style). I started looking for web programming in python and somehow I saw mod_python first. Iam perusing the help document now.
<br><br>Few minutes of browsing confused my mind entirely , since it seems there are about 20 different web frameworks available for python. I am left clueless as to pick which one. I have an soft side towards the one I picked first.
<br><br>Considering yourself as a beginner to python ,do you prefer mod_python over all other framework?. Say if you want to create a blog , will mod_python suffice? And is mod_python and cgi (the python lib) different?<br>
<br><br>-- <br>Intercodes<br>