Hi,<br>I'm actually trying to understand how to read data from an excel file but i'm pretty stuck here:<br><br>I have already used makepy to generate the excel modules and its ID, which looks like :<br><pre><code class="Code">
<font size="1">00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046</font><br><br><br></code></pre>But i don't really know what are the next steps. I presume that it should start by:<br><br clear="all"><font size="1">i</font><font size="1">
mport win32com.client</font><br><font size="1">xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")<br></font><br>Does anybody could tell me the way to open an excel file and then read some selected data? Because i'm a non-programmer, i still have some difficulties for learning such basics tricks :)