Just thought I'd share something I found quite humorous... a while back, I heard about Microsoft's "Open Source Hero" program, and being a curious type I signed up. Hey, I love me some Open Source, and I wanna be a hero, right?<br>
<br>My Hero Pack arrived a few days ago. It contains:<br> a 90-day trial of Visual Studio 2008<br>and <br> a 120-day trial of Windows Server 2008.<br><br>Now don't get me wrong - I'm not ungrateful; I fully intend to try out Windows Server so I can see what I'll be facing over the next few months. But Visual Studio? Open Source? Am I missing the joke here?<br>
<br>Any other Heros here? Anybody else find this as funny as I did?<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><a href="http://www.fsrtechnologies.com">www.fsrtechnologies.com</a>