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This then would seem to what I need in my case for the shortcut:<br>
(It's really a single line, but wrapped here and there is a space
between to two path items.)<br>
but Win says something is wrong with my path for
c:\python25\python25.exe. <br>
Even if that works, I don't think a user is likely to install it in a
folder like the one I have above. I'm probably better off specifying
that the user should set up his size as I've done. <br>
Alan Gauld wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:ggb6d3$bnm$1@ger.gmane.org" type="cite">"Wayne
Watson" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
wrote <br>
<blockquote type="cite">find away to set the size. One just brings up
the program and sets the width-height using the properties option in
the upper-left corner. Next one saves them when exiting. </blockquote>
That only works on your PC, any other user needs to do the same thing.
Creating a shortcut means you can redistribute it and the recipient
gets whatever settings you set. <br>
The shortcut needs to be to python.exe not the program file. Thus if
your script is <br>
and Python is in <br>
C:\Python25\python25.exe <br>
you need a shortcut to <br>
C:\Python25\python25.exe C:\MYSCRIPT\FOO.PY <br>
That should then have all the usual console properties. <br>
If you build an installer to install the program at some other location
then you can write a WSH script to create a shortcut programmatically
at install time, but thats more tricky. <br>
HTH, <br>
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