Hi,<br><br>I am trying to write a python cgi script, that invokes another process and exists.<br>Using the subprocess documentation on NO_WAIT, I am not having much success:<br><br>pid = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg")<br>
==><br>pid = Popen(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"]).pid<br><br>The script seems to wait for the new process to exit before returning to the user.<br><br>I tried doing the double-fork approach discussed here:<br>
<a href="http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66012/">http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66012/</a><br><br>I am not having much luck. <br><br>Any ideas on how to accomplish this appreciated.<br><br>thanks,<br>Ravi.<br>