<i>Hello.<br><br>I am relegated to running python 2.2; so I do not have access to subprocess.<br><br>In my script; at one point, I need to run a program; interact with the program; exit the program; and parse the output printed to stdout.<br>
<br>This would be simple; if I did not need to interact with my sub-program. I currently have..<br><br>import os<br>program = "vim"<br>arguments = ["myFile"]<br>pid = os.fork()<br>if not pid:<br> os.execvp(program, (program,) + tuple(arguments))<br>
os.wait()[0]<br><br>This works fine; lets me interact with "vim" fine; and return to the python script when I am done; but I do not seem to be able to execute read stdout; and all examples I have found on the net do not allow me to interact with the called program.<br>
<br>Any pokes int he right direction?<br><br>Thanks,<br> Chris<br></i><br>