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<span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: -webkit-monospace; font-size: 11px; "><ol><li class="li1" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de1" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; ">Traceback <span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">(</span>most recent call last<span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">)</span>:</div></li><li class="li2" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> File <span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"C:<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\U</span>sers<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\J</span>ohn Doe<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\D</span>esktop<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\D</span>-Day<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\b</span>ack.py"</span>, line <span class="nu0" style="color: rgb(255, 69, 0); ">47</span>, <span class="kw1" style="color: rgb(255, 119, 0); font-weight: bold; ">in</span> <module></div></li><li class="li1" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de1" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> main<span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">(</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">)</span></div></li><li class="li2" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> File <span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"C:<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\U</span>sers<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\J</span>ohn Doe<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\D</span>esktop<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\D</span>-Day<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\b</span>ack.py"</span>, line <span class="nu0" style="color: rgb(255, 69, 0); ">37</span>, <span class="kw1" style="color: rgb(255, 119, 0); font-weight: bold; ">in</span> main</div></li><li class="li1" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de1" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> <span class="kw1" style="color: rgb(255, 119, 0); font-weight: bold; ">elif</span> sbut.<span class="me1" style="color: black; ">clicked</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">(</span>k.<span class="me1" style="color: black; ">pos</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">)</span>:</div></li><li class="li2" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> File <span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"C:<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\U</span>sers<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\J</span>ohn Doe<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\D</span>esktop<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\D</span>-day<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\b</span>ut.py"</span>, line <span class="nu0" style="color: rgb(255, 69, 0); ">200</span>, <span class="kw1" style="color: rgb(255, 119, 0); font-weight: bold; ">in</span> clicked</div></li><li class="li1" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de1" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> <span class="kw3" style="color: rgb(220, 20, 60); ">subprocess</span>.<span class="me1" style="color: black; ">Popen</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">(</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">[</span><span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"D-Day"</span>, <span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"Destruction.py"</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">]</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">)</span></div></li><li class="li2" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> File <span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"C:<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\P</span>ython26<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\l</span>ib<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\s</span>ubprocess.py"</span>, line <span class="nu0" style="color: rgb(255, 69, 0); ">595</span>, <span class="kw1" style="color: rgb(255, 119, 0); font-weight: bold; ">in</span> <span class="kw4" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 205); ">__init__</span></div></li><li class="li1" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de1" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> errread, errwrite<span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">)</span></div></li><li class="li2" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> File <span class="st0" style="color: rgb(72, 61, 139); ">"C:<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\P</span>ython26<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\l</span>ib<span class="es0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold; ">\s</span>ubprocess.py"</span>, line <span class="nu0" style="color: rgb(255, 69, 0); ">804</span>, <span class="kw1" style="color: rgb(255, 119, 0); font-weight: bold; ">in</span> _execute_child</div></li><li class="li1" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de1" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "> startupinfo<span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">)</span></div></li><li class="li2" style="background-image: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; -webkit-background-clip: initial; -webkit-background-origin: initial; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); background-position: initial initial; "><div class="de2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal; "><span class="kw2" style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">WindowsError</span>: <span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">[</span>Error <span class="nu0" style="color: rgb(255, 69, 0); ">2</span><span class="br0" style="color: rgb(102, 204, 102); ">]</span> The system cannot find the <span class="kw2" style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0); ">file</span> specified</div></li></ol></span>The error in readable form<br>> To: tutor@python.org<br>> From: alan.gauld@btinternet.com<br>> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 23:35:04 +0100<br>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] gui<br>> <br>> <br>> "Essah Mitges" <e_mitges@hotmail.com> wrote <br>> <br>>> What I am trying to do is using a pygame window I want <br>>> to list the contents of a text call high_score.txt in that window<br>> <br>> Have you tried asking on the PyGame forums/mailing lists? <br>> I'm sure such things exist. This forum is for general Ptython <br>> programming, specifically for learners. While we are happy <br>> to try to help I don't know that we have many pygame experts <br>> here.<br>> <br>>> The second thing I am trying to do is initiate my game also <br>>> made in pygame to start off a button that a programmed <br>>> called Destruction.py<br>> <br>> I have no idea how pygame works for buildng GUIs but usually <br>> you tie a button to a python function not a program. Are you <br>> sure that is not what you should be doing?<br>> <br>>> The error was what had happened was that the module <br>>> i made for pygame is not initiating my game properly <br>> <br>> The other error you made was posting unreadable emails to <br>> the list. We are keen to help where we can but don't force <br>> us to manually unpick a steam of text. Please senmd plain text <br>> - your email system should have a setting to allow that.<br>> <br>>> On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 17:41 -0400, Essah Mitges wrote:<br>>>> I was wondering in a python made in pyg4m3 menu how to initialize<br>>>> another pyg4m3 Destruction.py from a button in the event handler this<br>>>> is the error i keep getting Traceback (most recent call last): File<br>>>> "C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\Destruction\back.py", line 47, in <module><br>>>> main() File "C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\Destruction\back.py", line<br>>>> 37, in main elif sbut.clicked(k.pos): File "C:\Users\John Doe<br>>>> \Desktop\WODDS\but.py", line 200, in clicked<br>>>> subprocess.Popen(["Destruction", "Destruction.py"]) File "C:<br>>>> \Python26\lib\subprocess.py", line 595, in __init__ errread,<br>>>> errwrite) File "C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py", line 804, in<br>>>> _execute_child startupinfo) WindowsError: [Error 2] The system<br>>>> cannot find the file specified Also could anyone help me to display<br>>>> the contents of a text file in a pyg4m3 window<br>> <br>> HTH,<br>> <br>> <br>> -- <br>> Alan Gauld<br>> Author of the Learn to Program web site<br>> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org<br>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor<br><br /><hr />Windows Live helps you keep up with all your friends, <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9660824' target='_new'>in one place.</a></body>