from random import* def DisplayTitle(): print print "Welcome to Tech-Sauve Cribbage" print "--------------------------------------------" print " Insctructions " print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" print "1) Only played with two players (for now) " print "2) The program starts with a full deck of 52 cards" print "3) Deals out 6 cards to each player with a Suit letter" print "4) Then asks each player what 2 cards they want to discard to the crib" print "5) Then the program saves the crib in a temporary deck" print "6) Players start showing cards to get an ammount equal to 31" print "7) Once all the cards have been played, program counts the score" print "8) Then the program will count all possible scores in each hand" print " And it will add the players points to their total score" print "9) First player to reach a score of 121 wins the game" #Gets players names def GetPlayer1(): print Player1 = str(raw_input("Player 1's name ")) return Player1 def GetPlayer2(): print Player2 = str(raw_input("Player 2's name ")) return Player2 #Building the deck def Build_Deck(): for R in range (0,52): cardnumb = numbers[R] cardsuit = suits[R] card = str(numbers[R])+str(suits[R]) Deck.append(card) return Deck,numbers,suits,card,cardnumb,cardsuit #Variables Needed numbers = ["A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"]*4 suits = ["H","C","S","D"]*13 suits.sort() Deck = [] P1hand = [] P2hand = [] Crib = [] Cribcard = [] Cribsuit = [] P1_score = 0 P2_score = 0 Winner = 121 ele = 52 Deck,numbers,suits,card,cardnumb,cardsuit = Build_Deck() for X in range(0,6): Y = randint(0,ele) draw = Deck[Y] P1hand.append(draw) Deck.pop(Y) ele -= 1 for X2 in range (0,6): Y1 = randint(0,ele) draw2 = Deck[Y1] P2hand.append(draw2) Deck.pop(Y1) ele -= 1 print Top = randint(0,47) Topcard = Deck[Top] print for count in range(0,2): print P1hand print option = str(raw_input("Player 1,what CARD would you like to add to the crib? CARDS 1 thru 6 ")) if option == "1": Crib.append(P1hand[0]) P1hand.pop(0) elif option == "2": Crib.append(P1hand[1]) P1hand.pop(1) elif option == "3": Crib.append(P1hand[2]) P1hand.pop(2) elif option == "4": Crib.append(P1hand[3]) P1hand.pop(3) elif option == "5": Crib.append(P1hand[4]) P1hand.pop(4) elif option == "6": Crib.append(P1hand[5]) P1hand.pop(5) print for c2 in range(0,2): print P2hand print option1 = str(raw_input("Player 2, what CARD would you like to add to the crib? CARDS 1 thru 6 ")) if option1 == "1": Crib.append(P2hand[0]) P2hand.pop(0) elif option1 == "2": Crib.append(P2hand[1]) P2hand.pop(1) elif option1 == "3": Crib.append(P2hand[2]) P2hand.pop(2) elif option1 == "4": Crib.append(P2hand[3]) P2hand.pop(3) elif option1 == "5": Crib.append(P2hand[4]) P2hand.pop(4) elif option1 == "6": Crib.append(P2hand[5]) P2hand.pop(5) print Deck print "The TOP CARD is ",Topcard print "Player 1's Hand is ",P1hand print "Player 2's Hand is ",P2hand print "The 4 cards in the Crib are ",Crib