<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman,new york,times,serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000;"><div>Hello,<br>I have been getting lost when trying to find the needed information on how to grab information from text files to be used in a python script I am working on. Essentially the script is calling upon other programs to grab specific information about files and putting that information into basic text files. When I say basic I mean basic, each piece of information has its own line such as:<br>InfoOne=?<br>InfoTwo=?<br>Where the ? is a value ranging from 1 character up to 5 (usually numbers), and it is the value I represented with ? that I need to grab. I am hoping it is possible to grab 1 line at a time so variables can be set for use later in my script.<br>I have tried to "decipher" the python documents on this, but honestly, being a dabbler in python I am getting "lost,
dazed and confused" as friends would put it.<br>Thankfully this is not for any homework assignments, it is merely a script I am working on for making some repetitive tasks more automated, such as grabbing information about video files, and if needed convert them. I have yet to find a program that does what I am aiming for so I started creating a python script (as python is already installed on my Linux distro). It just seems to have become more complicated that I had hoped, but I am at a point now were I do not want to leave it unfinished. If an example of my script is needed I am more than willing to provide it for clarification of what I am trying to do.<br>Thanks,<br>Mike<br></div>