On Dec 11, 2011 8:41 AM, "Pete O&apos;Connell" <<a href="mailto:pedrooconnell@gmail.com">pedrooconnell@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> Hi I have been writing python code for a while now and I never return anything within any of my functions, I just (eg.) print stuff or make directories or update a log or what have you. When I look at other people's code they are always returning in their functions and I was wondering if someone could give me an example of when I would absolutely have to return something. The thing I don't like about returning is that when I unindent a function and try to run the code to inspect parts of it for debugging I always have to alter the code so as not to get the "return not inside a function error", so I will change the word "return" to "print" and in many cases that's the way I leave it. Anyone have any thoughts on this?<br>
<p>No one has mentioned it so far, but the interactive interpreter is what you should use for debugging short code snippets. I always program with two windows open - one with my editor and one with the interpreter. This lets me try out short bits of code without running my whole program.</p>
Wayne <br>
> Thanks<br>
> Pete<br>
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