[Web-SIG] WSGI Webware progress

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Sun Oct 3 06:18:44 CEST 2004

I've made quite a bit of progress with the WSGI port of Webware, running 
two real applications I've written under it, without any significant 
changes to the applications (except for an import statement or two). 
The applications weren't written with WSGI in mind, so they didn't limit 
themselves to things that seemed simple under WSGI.  OTOH, I wrote both 
of them, and I only use a subset of the Webware API.

The Webware portion of this remains fairly minimal, mostly some simple 
classes that translate the WSGI environment and general system to the 
Webware API.

In the process, I've made some reusable middleware that is 
Webware-neutral, but implements some of Webware's functionality (and I 
layer them in roughly this order):

* httpexceptions; catches particular exceptions and turns them into HTTP 
responses (e.g., HTTPMovedPermanently, HTTPNotFound, etc).  In a way I 
wish this was standard.  However, the other middleware doesn't use this 
(though some of my Webware code does).

* recursive; allows applications to forward to other URLs and to make 
recursive calls to include other URLs.  These URLs have to be under the 
location where recursive is used.

* session; implements sessions.  The persistence is simple and doesn't 
take concurrency into account (yet), but the basic structure seems 
correct to me.

* urlparser; this takes a URL and finds an application based on it. 
Currently it looks in a single directory, parses out the next part, and 
finds the application associated.  Subdirectories turn into other 
urlparser instances.  Finds .py modules, and looks for "application" 
(which is a ready-made application), or module.module_name, where the 
object must be called before it is ready to act as an application (in 
Webware's case, this is a class, instances of which are WSGI 
applications).  Also serves up static files, like .css, .html, etc.

* wsgilib; a number of generic functions for use with WSGI.  Right now 
this includes:

   * Cookie parser: get_cookies

   * Something to add a finalizing function to an iterator: add_close

   * A way to run a request in a fake environment, for interactive
     debugging and testing: interactive

   * An error response creator (for 404 messages, etc): error_response

   * An application-builder for on-disk files: send_file

I still need to do more testing, and write some unit tests for these 
middleware.  But progress has gone well, and implementing a real-world 
framework on WSGI seems very doable.  This is a more aggressive use of 
WSGI than many framework ports may make; a simpler porting technique 
would be to take the whole framework and find a single entry point, 
letting the framework keep all its URL parsing and other code.  I'm 
doing this refactoring in part because I think it's the right direction 
for Webware, moreso than it's the best or easiest way to port a framework.

Comments and suggestions welcome.  The code is located at 

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  / http://blog.ianbicking.org

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