Hi All,<br><br>At Stuart's prompting, I would like to introduce myself.<br><br>I've been using Python for just a few years. While looking for an informative mail list that had a local community, I was led to the Wpg PUG.
<br>My education background is in electrical engineering and in my current position I have the occasional opportunity to write C++/Python/scripts.<br><br>I'm very interested in using python for rapid development of data analysis applications using numpy and scipy. In a previous position, I had the opportunity to work at the Institute for Biodiagnostics (IBD) and would like to know more about how Python can be used for visualization of bioinformatics data and visualization of high dimensional data. See
<a href="http://www.scopira.org/rdp/">http://www.scopira.org/rdp/</a> for a C++ example app.<br><br>I am looking forward to attending a PUG event and meeting you all in person.<br>Cheers,<br>Mark<br><br>