You are not appending to the list that's being iterated ;)

tasks is an async generator or possibly a custom object that overrides aiter, anext, etc.

I'd say look at internals of aiostream's merge, it should not be too hard to extend perhaps
On Wed, 18 Jul 2018 at 9:01 PM, James Stidard <> wrote:


I was wondering if anyone has had experience implementing a similar pattern to this or has alternative suggestions of how to achieve it.

I have a bunch of async generators which I’d like to be able to merge into a single async generator I can iterate over. I found Vincent’s aiostream library which gives me this without too much effort:

from asyncio import sleep, run
from import merge

async def go():
    yield 0
    await sleep(1)
    yield 50
    await sleep(1)
    yield 100

async def main():
    tasks = merge(go(), go(), go())

    async for v in tasks:

if __name__ == '__main__':

However, I also would like to be able to add additional tasks into the list once I’ve started iterating the list so something more akin to:

from asyncio import sleep, run
from import merge

async def go():
    yield 0
    await sleep(1)
    yield 50
    await sleep(1)
    yield 100

async def main():
    tasks = merge(go(), go(), go())

    async for v in tasks:
        If v == 50:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Has anyone been able to achieve something like this?

p.s. I know appending to a list you’re iterating is bad practice, I assume the same would be true modifying this stream object, but think the example illustrates what I’m trying to achieve.


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