On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 7:37 PM Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
Thanks for bringing this up -- I think it will be good to get to the bottom of this, before the Jupyter folks accidentally get everyone to use an approach that is unsound. Maybe they can be redirected to a better strategy, or maybe they can convince us to change asyncio: it's totally possible that the reasoning behind this restriction is no longer really valid.

I expect that Yury will have to jump in, but I believe he's busy with a release. I also hope Nathaniel has something to say -- I wonder if trio supports nested event loops? (And maybe a Tornado developer?)

Tornado does allow for nested event loops (or did, before we adopted asyncio). It doesn't allow nested invocations of the *same* event loop. 

One final thing. What we're talking about here is nested invocation of the "event pump". There's another form of nested event loop invocation where two separate event loop objects exist. That is a much more worrisome scenario, because callbacks associated with one event loop won't run at all while one is waiting for a task on the other loop. Fortunately that's not what is requested here. :-)

I actually think that nesting multiple event loops is not so problematic, or at least not so problematic to be worth explicitly prohibiting. You wouldn't want to run_forever an inner event loop while an outer one is blocked, but using an inner short-lived event loop is not so bad. It's not good, because it does block the outer event loop, but there are plenty of things you could do that do that - use requests instead of an async http client, use an inner event loop from a different library that you can't detect, etc. Why single out nesting one asyncio event loop inside another as something to prohibit?

In the past, when I converted a django app to use tornado I went through a phase where there were multiple nested IOLoops. First convert all the outgoing network calls (which I guess were urllib2 at the time; requests didn't exist yet) to spin up a short-lived IOLoop and run tornado's AsyncHTTPClient (using the equivalent of IOLoop.run_sync, although that method hadn't been added yet). Then replace the outer django handlers with tornado handlers one at a time (using tornado's WSGIContainer to run the django parts). Once WSGIContainer was gone, I could change all the run_sync calls to yields so everything ran on the outer event loop. It wasn't the prettiest or fastest thing I've ever done, but it worked.

As for jupyter, I think the best thing for them to do is run all notebook user code in a separate thread dedicated to that purpose, and hide the fact that the notebook itself is running asyncio as much as possible. That user thread can start up its own event loop if it wants, but that's not the jupyter kernel's concern. Until it can be refactored to use separate threads, I think it would be reasonable to let it start up new event loops (and run them for finite durations), although asyncio currently disallows that as long as you're on the same thread as an outer event loop. 
