Hello all, I've created two Debian VMs for testing: - Debian Buster (Stable) with RSync 3.2.3 [0] - Debian Bookworm (Testing) RSync 3.2.5 [1] The VMs use official Debian images, update themselves to latest state, and install XFCE4 with Back in Time from repositories. The username and password of the systems are bit/bit. To automatically install virtualbox guest additions, please install vagrant-vbguest via "vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest". The systems already have semi-up to date guest utilities out of the box though. Also, Debian testing has an incompatibility with the plugin, so the Vagrantfile for Testing disables auto installation by default. To run these VMs, please put the relevant Vagrantfiles to their own folder and run "vagrant up". The rest should be automagic. I did not detail installation of Vagrant and Virtualbox, since I assume both should be in repositories of major distributions already. Next steps: 1. Write proper documentation. 2. Make systems login automatically (needs some script grease, had no time). 3. Add other distributions (CentOS, Fedora, Manjaro, Ubuntu). Please don't hesitate to contact for any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. Hope this helps, Cheers, H. [0]: https://git.sr.ht/~bayindirh/vagrant-machines/tree/master/item/debian11-back... [1]: https://git.sr.ht/~bayindirh/vagrant-machines/tree/master/item/debian12-back... On 11.09.2022 20:43, Michael Büker wrote:
Hi, Hakan!
Just as a heads-up, I’ll be building a couple of Vagrant machines for BiT testing, and will try to write some documentation about it.
We should keep this documentation visible and usable by everyone, so how should I provide it? A markdown file in the repo? A wiki change? First an RFC for the mailing list?
That's great, thanks a lot for the effort! Let's discuss it on the mailing list first, then document in the repo when we have things (mostly ;)) working.
I’ll be making Vagrant files available in my Vagrant Machines repository[0] first, and will announce here. I’m planning to start with Fedora 36 and Ubuntu 22.04. Any other requests/preferences?
Please let me know any specific requests or anything,
Taking a look at: https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/labels/Distro-Specific I would say that we can also make good use of Manjaro and CentOS for testing. In further Issues I haven't sorted out yet, there are some lurking problems with Wayland, so we'd best get a distro with that, too.
Thanks! Michael _______________________________________________ Bit-dev mailing list -- bit-dev@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to bit-dev-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/bit-dev.python.org/ Member address: hakan@bayindir.org