Hello folks, I want to add this piece of information somewhere public so someone can find it via web search. I'm not enough into it's details to add this to our FAQ or somewhere into the manual. There exists a Docker Container using Back In Time [1]. It's Dockerfile do use a forked rep [2]. Just out of interest I contacted the creator and asked him about the use case. He explained that it was easer for him to setup BIT on a Synology NAS this way. So I remembered that we do have Issues with proprietary devices like this mentioned in our FAQ [3]. Maybe this can help someone. If anyone does try it out and can tell something about it please report back. Kind Christian [1] -- <https://hub.docker.com/r/intelliops/backintime> [2] -- <https://github.com/belsander/backintime> [3] -- <https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/blob/dev/FAQ.md#hardware-specific-set...>