Hello, this is a newbie question but I really don't get it. I clone the git repo and want to run/start BiT then. I want to start BiT without installing it (wie deb/abt or make) or anything else. I just want to start from the py file directly. Is that possible? Was anyone able to make it that way? The only way that works (as a workaround) for me is to use "makedeb.sh" and then install the deb files. But I would like to do something like "python3 ./backintime.py" or something like this. The standard today would be to use "Development Install" feature of pip: "pip3 install --editable ." But the later definitely don't work in because the project folder isn't prepared for that. I also tried configure and make. But I didn't get it. I won't bore you with details here. I assume that I am the problem and not make. But also make is just a workaround because it builds and installs. At the end and in the current state using the makedeb-workaround would do it. I just asked to know if someone else has a better way. Kind Christian