Hi Christian, I trust that by now you are aware that I did not know your (and all others') replies to my appends to the mailing list existed. That discovery has come as an embarrassing and regrettable shock to me this morning. Now, I imagine, everybody on this particular mailing list regards me as a useless old duffer, who doesn't read what people have spent their time to write, or who is just plain rude. So now I am going through al those apparently ignored replies to make my apologies. But it would be great if this mailing list system could bring those replies to my attention - ever!. Currently the only way I can find them is via the 'posting activity' option in my account profile. That can't be right, surely? Anyway, I think the explanation for the problem I reported and requested help on, in this thread, is quite simple: the user was dumb. Things have improved somewhat since then, so I regard this thread as closed. Thanks for you support.