Dear Jürgen, thanks for breaking this down. I would put my angry finger on the GitHub folks. ;) I created a "Release" in "Draft" state first. I assume that GitHub did not updated the attached source tarballs when I changed the state from "Draft" to a real release. Damn! I'll put this on my release-checklist for the next time. Maybe we shouldn't over any source tarballs in such releases? Isn't a git tag enough? IMHO a source tarball is "doppelt gemoppelt" (translate this! *FG*). :D But it seems that the distros do use such a tarball. Debian itself used it and has a "1.3.3dev" in it. I'll open a bug report on Debian about that.
It's no big deal at all and the only reason I am mentioning this here because we will get new issues for 1.3.3-dev which *may* be in fact the release version 1.3.3.
OK, I'll keep this in mind.
I think for future releases we have to prepare everything (incl. version numbers) first in "main" (or a relase candidate branch that is merged into "main" finally) and add the release Git tag AT THE END.
That was my plan in the first place. :D But I was in a rush because of the Debian Freeze and should have slept more nights over this. And the GitHub Release feature was new to me.
Optionally we could patch this and inform the package maintainers (we mostly don't know I guess).
I wouldn't touch this and just keep it as it is and see whats coming up next. Thanks for figuring out. Kind Christian