Moin Jürgen, first of all... Am 03.05.2023 15:33 schrieb BiT dev:
(and after my upcoming vacations :-)
...enjoy this! ;) To my knowledge we haven't really discussed a schedule for the next release. We only discussed about the milestones I setup in the Microsoft GitHub project [1]. In the comments there I added some very broad and flexibel ("über den Daumen gepeilt") time frames. For example the "upcoming release (1.3.4)" I commented "Somewhere between 6 (Sept. '23) or 18 (Sept. '24) months." It is not fixed and not a team consensus. From my point of view there is no hurry. The next Debian (12, bookworm) is set with BIT 1.3.3. The Debian 13 release after that or its Freeze will come round about in 2 years (Sept '24). That is why I added "Sept '24" in the next milestone. So I do think in Debian release cycles because it is kind of relaxing. ;) When I think about working packages I hardly try to break them down into smallest packages as possible. But they still keeping "big". I have a list of such working packages and think about it a lot and also try to prioritize them. But it is a matter of resources. But I don't see this as a problem or burden. Looking into Issues I see the systray-icon-wayland-thing and the rsync-permission-thing as the biggest but not burning problems. Personally I have to dive much deeper into rsync itself and develop a deeper understanding of how it works before touching rsync-issues. In the end: Relax and take your time. Kind Christian [1] -- <https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/milestones>