Dear Tony, Am 06.12.2023 13:24 schrieb Tony Hamilton:
regards me as a useless old duffer
Enough with that self insult. :) We have understood it. Heads up and move forwared.
Indeed the implementation of BIT has advantages over both the incremental and differential backup models
To much flowers for BIT. The magic happens with "rsync" in the back.
I suppose that what I would really like is a backup service that continuously keeps my backup up-to-date, mirroring CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) activity on the source into the backup, on the fly a bit like a RAID 1, couple with a journaling file system.
What you describe with keeping a backup "up-to-date" is IMHO (in my humble opinion) not a backup but a synchronisation. That is different. RAID1 for example is such a sync mechanic. Or nextCloud is something like this. But that is not a backup. I never used FreeFileSync but from what I can read on the website it seems to be that the application do mix the concepts of data synchronisation and backup. That is not bad. I just mention it. Kind Christian