Hi, Germar! I'm very happy that you're here to help with your advice and perspective (and memories)! I hope you like what we've done with the repo in the meantime ;) The issues that we think are most pressing are collected under the tag: https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3... – and thankfully, @buhtzz has very likely solved #1247 and #1320 :) As a rough guideline, we've given ourselves a deadline of January in order to get a bugfix-release 1.3.3 out the door and into the next Debian release. In the past weeks, Jürgen has been chasing build errors and test failures, mostly on Arch Linux, and wrestling with Wayland compatibility problems. Hakan has helped us with "vagrant files", a way to quickly set up VirtualBox machines for testing and reproducing errors. My mind is on "the permissions/hardlink problem" relating to 1.2.0's new "full rsync mode by default" setting. It's documented mostly as #988 and (likely, but not confirmed duplicate) #994. I haven't found time to thoroughly investigate, but it's the next thing I want to do. Cheers, and "welcome back Germar", so to speak :) Michael On 06.11.2022 18:23, Germar Reitze wrote:
I'm Germar Reitze from Germany in my early 40s. I'm an architect (the one for buildings made of bricks and concrete 😉). I never had a professional IT background but as an autodidact I started coding when I was 8 and I love to train my IT skills.
I started using BackInTime in 2008. But in those days there was no way to use a NAS in a good way. I was forced to mount the NAS with Samba or NFS and sync to that share. This was quite inefficient and slow. So after learning Python I started hacking an SSH option for BiT. Because it worked out better than I thought, I asked Oprea Dan (the founder of BiT) if he would like to merge the code. He gave me lots of good hints on how to improve my code. Round about one year later he asked me if I'd like to take over the whole project.
Since than I invested a lot of time, effort and even money to improve BiT. But in the last 3-4 years I did not find the time anymore to contribute to BiT. Also I changed my personal backup suit from BiT to borg-backup mainly because of the deduplication feature and the append-only mode.
I'm really happy to see a team forming for BiT. I will help as far as I can to support you. I had some problems in the past month (mainly because my gmail account for this project stopped silently to refresh as my fetchmail script didn't use OAUTH). But I fixed that and joined the mailinglist.
So I'm looking forward to see the project moving further. Kind Regards,