Hi, I'm Germar Reitze from Germany  in my early 40th. I'm an architect (the one for buildings made of bricks and concrete, not for software made of 0 and 1 😉). I never had a professional IT background but as an autodidact I love to train my IT skills.I started using BackInTime in 2008. But in those days there was no way to use a NAS in a good way. I was forced to mount the NAS with Samba or NFS and sync to that share. This was quite inefficient and slow. So after learning Python I started hacking an SSH option for BiT. Because that worked out better than I thought I asked Opera Dan (the founder of BiT) if he would like to merge the code. He gave me lots of good hints on who to improve it. Round about one year later he asked me if I'd like to take over the whole project.Since than I invested a lot of time,