Hi, everyone! I am very happy to report that re-triaging is complete! Thanks for everyone's efforts :) Since June, we have reduced the number of open Issues from ~430 to currently <200. We have eliminated all 150 unlabelled Issues. Of the remaining open Issues, there are 87 labelled as a Bug, and 82 labelled as a Feature Request. Looking at priorities, we have 8 High-Priority Issues and 24 labelled Medium. If you want to help aside from tackling the High-Priority Issues, look at some reported bugs and try to reproduce them (i.e. in a VM). We can then apply the "Reproduced" Label (currently only 3 Issues carry it). Cheers :) Michael On 09.10.2022 11:32, Michael Büker wrote:
Hello everyone,
since I last counted 2 weeks ago, we've come down:
- 265 open Issues (down from 310), of which there are just - 77 unlabelled (down from 150)
I've added 1 more Label, called "Notifications", in expectation of a future refactoring of GUI/tray/Desktop status/notification code, but I don't think that's urgent.
Looking at the "HIGH" priority Issues, my jugdement is that our most pressing problems are, starting with the worst:
1) the permissions/hardlink FUBAR introduced in 1.2.0 (#988, #994, PR #1086, PR #1128) 2) rsync 3.2.4 compatibility (#1247, #1320) 3) Tray icon missing/empty/not shown correctly (#1306) 4) BiT does not start: "Could not get owner of name 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' (#921), impossible to reproduce for me so far, seems to be common in rolling release distros (sometimes?!?)
Further down the list, we have long-standing bugs that are not catastrophic, but very irritating:
5) Deleting files doesn't cause a new snapshot, file deletions are not logged (#136) 6) Segfault on exit (#1095) (a Qt horror story)
Currently, we have @bhutzz tackling rsync, and @aryoda putting lots of work into improving the keyring/password store functionality, for which there are a number of bug reports, as well as improving user-callback. I hope to understand the permissions situtation soon.
Keep up the good work, everyone :)
Cheers, Michael
On 25.09.2022 00:36, Michael Büker wrote:
Hi, everyone!
I have some great news :)
When this new team got started in June, the backintime repo had roughly: - 430 open Issues, of which there were - 250 unlabelled Issues
Over the past ~three weeks, I've managed to whittle this down to: - 310 open Issues, of which there remain - 150 unlabelled Issues
We currently have 20 Labels, all of which I created myself. That means that I've "touched" all of the 160 Issues that are currently open and labelled. This has given me a decent overview of current problems with the code, though obviously, there are still 150 Issues to go.
If you'd like to help, some of the best ways are to: - check out unlabelled Issues and suggest labels / duplicates / resons to close / related Issues in a comment, - look at Issues marked "Bug" (but not "Reproduced"), and try to reproduce them, - look at Issues marked "Discuss" and see if you'd like to give an opinion, - look at Issues marked "High" and see if you can figure out what the hell is going on ;)
I'm happy with the direction in which the project is moving. We have a lot in front of us, but it doesn't seem so impossible anymore :)
Cheers! Michael