In response to a bug report I submitted (concerning BIT repeatedly snap shotting an unchanged file) I received an email from Christian Buhtz: "Please do not answer via mail but use the formatting options of Microsoft GitHub using code blocks. This makes it much easier for us to read your terminal output." OK, I understand the request and accept my mistake - I'm not an expert in anything. But now I am in deeper trouble: the expression "...use the formatting options of Microsoft GitHub using code blocks." uses well-formed, grammatically correct, English but its meaning is completely beyond me. Where do I go to get this translated into something I might understand? More-over, if I must not use email, what other form of communication should I use to provide the requested information - this mailing list? But how would I be sure that the information goes to the person requesting it? I am further admonished by: "IT seems to me you don't carefully read what we write. We invest our spare time to help you here. So please take your time and read." This is an entirely reasonable and valid request, which I whole heartedly support (I used to have worldwide responsibility for managing the delivery of technical support for a computer system manufacturer 40 years ago). But it is somewhat unfair - I do read everything, when I am aware that it is available, but I do not always fully understand everything I am asked to do. The world of technology has moved on a bit from when I retired almost 30 years ago.