Dear Lioh, welcome to community and thanks for your question. Am 08.03.2024 07:38 schrieb lioh.moeller--- via Bit-dev:
I would like to compare two Snapshots. Within the compare options there is listed false as default command. But even if I change it to let's say diff, the compare function does not seem to do anything.
I have to say that the "compare snapshots" feature is quit buggy also when it comes to user friendless. It needs a complete assessment and re-design. Here is a screencast to show you how it could look like: <> Which version of BIT do you use? Interesting that you see "false" (or "False"?) in the command field. I will have a look onto it. I suggest to install "meld" and change that command to "meld". Maybe this will help in the first place. Feel free to ask further questions, make wishes or suggest changes how to improve BIT. Kind Christian