Hello, I'm very interested in the opinions of our users of Back In Time. So please feel free to comment this. I opened an Issue with better illustrations: https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/issues/1482 I wasn't able to find a good place for a "Setup language" feature to give the user the opportunity to modify the UI language. First I had the idea to add a new "Language" entry in the menu bar. But this menu will have 46 entries (44 translations, 1 english-source, 1 "system default") which is to much for a monitor. Multi column menus are to hacky. Because of that I would like to create a simple modal dialog and place all language options there. Not sure if I would use a list control or radio buttons or something else. A drop down menu in main window might be an option. But I don't like this idea. Because users will setup the language just one time. But this control will stay on the main window (toolbar) for ever. And in a dropdown menu people are not aware of the "great fact" that BIT do over 44 translations. ;) We also don't have an application specific settings dialog. All settings are related to a snapshot profile. In the end I would like to have an application specific submenu in the menu bar and place a "Setup language" entry in there opening the dialog. The linked Issue is about that rearrangement of the menubar. Kind Christian