Our VERSION file at Github currently indicates "1.3.2" https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/blob/master/VERSION but it differs from the code of git tag "v1.3.2" due to our further development. Also the dev version has still a hard-coded "version 1.3.2": https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/blob/4b09eba80237d64b84a3ed2c4aba1c44... In the CHANGES file we already call the HEAD of master "Upcoming Release" (without any version number). ============================================================================================= How about updating the version number in VERSION file and config.py now to "1.3.3_dev" or similar to make it easier for us to recognize if a reported issue is related to the released 1.3.2 or a dev version from Github? ============================================================================================= This makes at least supporting Arch Linux easier since their packages are quite often directly pulled from Git (using a tag, commit ID or nothing) and I need to know the source code base for debugging... Possible process for the future: For a final release - both version number locations must be updated again, the release created - and then immediately a new dev version number set (potentially on a new branch than master).