On Mon, 2023-01-16 at 09:34 +0000, c.buhtz@posteo.jp wrote:
...[dev-doc and README.md changes:]...
I suggest to merging it into "dev" and then picking the changes from there into "master". I would do that via "git checkout my.file dev". I never used git's cherry pick before. This is one exception of the only-release-commits-in-main because "main" do produce the landing page via its README.md.
Cherry-picking a commit or even checking out single file to merge/commit it into another branch is IMHO more complex than commiting to "main" and forward-integrate the commit via merging "main" into "dev". If we stick to PRs for README.md changes in "main" we also have a "2nd line of defense" against mistakes by using 4++ eyes... Any comments or other proposals?