Hello Jürgen Am 23.10.2022 23:20 schrieb BiT dev:
It depends on the purpose and 1 out of 4 BiT packages on AUR for Arch just pulls the HEAD
Why there are 4 BIT packages on one distro? I don't get it. And is AUR the official Arch distro or "just" the community repo of that distro?
I'm not sure about all details. But it seems to me that this script does builid an arch package with version "1.3.1.r1.ge1ae23dd" in it's name but use the current upstream master for that. This is a bug on Arch side.
This version caused the installation problems on Arch in #1333
When I see it right. This is definitely an Arch problem; a distro bug not related to upstream. In cases like this our upstream issues should be closed and redirected to the distro. It seems to me that the distro maintainer did something wrong in that build script. It is not our responsibility.