Will make install work properly with both python3.10 and python3.11 installed? sob., 12 sie 2023 o 14:29 Jan Gregorczyk <jnk.gregorczyk@gmail.com> napisał(a):
I have multiple versions of python on installed my system. My python3 version is 3.10.12 and my python3-dbus is actually python3.10-dbus. When I run "make tests" other version - python3.11 runs. And I think i don't have dbus for that version. Is there a way for make tests to force python3.10?
$ python3 -m pytest -vx PASSED
sob., 12 sie 2023 o 13:49 <c.buhtz@posteo.jp> napisał(a):
On 2023-08-12 10:15 jnk.gregorczyk@gmail.com wrote:
When following:
cd common ./configure && make make test
I'm getting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_dbus_bindings' in all 15 tests.
Mhm... Can you show us more of the output. It is not clear which one of the tests did cause that problem. There are more then just "15 tests".
You can also try to do "pytest -vx".
What GNU Linux version you are using?
Maybe it would be better if you open an Issue on Microsoft GitHub when sending us the output. _______________________________________________ Bit-dev mailing list -- bit-dev@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to bit-dev-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/bit-dev.python.org/ Member address: jnk.gregorczyk@gmail.com